UPlift, UPshift & Ascend
Your Angels, Enlightened Ancestors, & White Light Master Guide Teams Want to HELP YOU!

We live in a world shifting from 3D drama trauma to 5D spiritual mastery. WE CAN DO THIS! Growing your frequency to much higher levels creates a vastly easier transition through the dense energies of chaos and control. This is the goal of the Uplift and UPshift for Ascension series.
My focused mission is to upshift and uplift my students so that they will reach their highest frequency of Christ Consciousness. Then students can work closely with their Healing Angels, White Light Masters, Nature Spirit Guides and Enlightened Ancestors. As LIGHTkeepers living in physical bodies in an age of major transition, we desperately need all the help we can get from our teams of high interdimensional guides..... And we need this RIGHT NOW!
So plan on attending the UPshift and UPlift workshops for an exciting mind, soul and heart expanding experience!
We shamanic journey to the inner world to seek wisdom, meet our guides, totems and recieve soul symbols. We journey to the Above World for Soul Healing meeting with our Angel Teams.
We vibe high enjoying a White Light Master Attunement with the Angel Elemental Chimes. This greatly expands the strength and vibration of your energy body.
Enjoy Sound Therapy blended with Aroma Therapy Techniques for accelerated ascension.
Learn Master Affirmations to power up, heal and manifest your higher potential
Dowse Clear and Uplift your Energy Environments to health
Practice Chanting to raise your frequencies to be closer to the frequency of our high spiritual guidance teams. The closer we are in frequency the better the connection we have for receiving healing, clairity, wisdom and shamanic journey messages.
Each workshop is totally unique and will be Spirit led by your very own Angel and Master Teams!!!!!! We volunteered before we were born to be LIGHTkeepers for this Shift. NOW IS OUR TIME TO SHINE!
As we move deeper into this profound UPlift and UPshift process we realize the objective to raise your frequency to the higher consciousness of 5 D or above. You become a Spiritual LIGHT WARRIOR! Then you may form closer relationships, receive clearer messages and work easily with your Angel and Master teams as the Asension process continues. My Mother from the other side brought me a message recently to begin the Uplift and Upshift process NOW! She stressed that this work was of the highest importance as we proceed towards ascension. This is a journey.... a process that will be repeated five times throughout the year.
Follow this link for dates for 2024 >
COST: $66 per (A series of 5 seasonal workshops)
TIME: 1 pm to 5:30 pm
LOCATION: One Community Now 816 Franklin Rd. SW and the Amethyst Center' 4443 Quarterwood Rd. Thaxton VA
SIGN UP with Azurae Windwalker text 540-947-2423 . OR contact azuraewindwalker@gmail.com for private classes and shamanic healings.
