Nature Spirit Energy Medicine
Herb and Tree Spirit Medicine and working with Nature Spirits & Elementals

The incoming energies of solar flares, computers, cell phones, Earth changes and the fear factory media conspire to short circuit our natural healing abilities and our health. We can push out and clear our heavy fearful trauma energies easily with the guidance and support we find in Nature Spirit Energy Medicine. The Amethyst Center is the perfect place to do this and to learn many useful techniques that were direct gifts from Nature Spirit to Azurae to be used right now to Shift up into body/mind/spirit health and soul ascension and to help Mother Earth. It’s truly a life changing experience!
The benefits of participating in the Tree Spirit & Nature Spirit Energy Medicine Series:
Aids an easier ascension process into the 5th World of Self Mastery, Harmony, Unity and Cooperation.
Clears and raises the vibration of you and your property to a healthy frequency. You receive teachings and direct healings from the fairy folk, the Little People, the devas, the tree, herb and stone people, the elements and White Light Masters.
Communicate and forge working relations with the elementals for further independent study and healings.
Increase your intuitive awareness.
Hone skills for shamanic journey problem solving, aura strengthening, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, clearing trauma, and balancing Divine Male/Female energies with Nature!
Learn how to build a sanctuary for Nature Spirits at home and practice Earth keeping skills
Read more about Azurae's experience with Plant Spirit Medicine>

Plant and Herb Spirit
Medicine - MANY HERB MEDICINES CAN YOU IDENTIFY? We have 60+ medicinal herbs growing at the Amethyst Center! Join me for an Herb Medicine Walk and Plant Spirit Medicine We will learn to tune into the essence of herb medicine plants and gain healing directly from them by spiritual connection!!! Find an Herb Totem and shamanic journey to find healing and information from it. It's fun, it's useful, it's energizing and healing!!! We might even experience some fairy fun!!!
Read more about Azurae's experience with Plant Spirit Medicine>
Fairy Playshop
Have fun with the Faries and Little People. Have an introduction to the Sasquatch Elders Healing Council. Healing Dispensations from the Spirit in Nature. Shamanic Journeying, Rules of the Road, Initiations and hike to their favorite power spots to form your own connections with our 5Th dimensional Forest Friends!

Tree Spirit Medicine
Find three tree totems and journey with them. Learn a chakra breathing technique to exchange information, healing and wisdom with your tree totems. Learn the healing qualities of your tree totems. Receive a special healing dispensation from our Cedar Tree Medicine Men Spirits. Shamanic Journey with your favorite tree to meet its spirit and go to the above world or directkt to the Spirit of Mother Earth. Clear your energy, Vibe UP! Learn core Practical Shamanism Techniques for Earth Sun Breathing, and Property Protection.
Read more about Azurae's experience with Plant Spirit Medicine>
Advanced Plant, Herb Spirit and Tree Spirit Medicine
Choose Plant Totems with Muscle Testing from 60 samples, Medicine Bundle Making, Dancing, Breathwork and Drumming your Plant and Herb Totems into your body mind and soul! Shamanic Journey with your Herb, Tree and Plant Totem.
Read more about Azurae's experience with Plant Spirit Medicine>

WHERE: The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174
(All will be done outside) 20 min. from Roanoke. 40 min from Lynchburg. 3.5 miles off Hwy 460/220.
INVESTMENT: $77. (limit 10 attendees)
WHAT TO BRING: Bring a journal and pen. Wear socks and hiking clothes. (Easy hike). And bug spray. Bring a bag lunch.
Bring a camera or phone to take ID pics of plants. Bring clear plastic bag for plant specimens. Bring water and snacks. Bring a shiny, crystal or candy gift for the fairies!
PAYMENT: Paypal $77 to
LINDA KIRBY, The Amethyst Center,
4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174