Tree Spirit Medicine
with Azurae Windwalker

DO YOU LOVE TREES AND HOW THEY FEEL? The elder ancient trees carry the deepest wisdom and healing for you. And they very much want to share their medicine. At the Amethyst Center we have wide variety of old growth trees on 31 forested acres. Some are over 250 years old! Our standing ones are happy to share healing and wisdom with you in profound ways. Come and make friends with them! I am leading a 2 part TREE SPIRIT MEDICINE series which allows you to de-stress, ground, power up and learn from the consciousness of a variety of tree species and comune energetically with the standing ones.
What we Experience at the Workshops
* Did you know that each tree species has it's own particular healing quality to share? Visit 4 of them in each workshop that best fits your needs and choose a Tree Totem!
* You'll learn and master how to Tree Breathe and share co-creative energy thru each of your chakras with the trees.
* Experience a shamanic initiation, wisdom download and healing dispensation from the twin Sacred Cedar Tree Medicine men.
* Make a prayer stick out of your Tree Totem to focus and retain the healing from the workshops and your Tree Spirit Wisdom Download.
* Master Practical Shamanism Self Care techniques like the Sun Triangle Power Up, Earth Sun Circular Breathwork and Sacred Space Clearing.
* Build a Golden Egg Protective Shield and learn how to manipulate your energy field aura to be one with trees and other beings.
Take these Techniques Home and Continue your Journey with Tree Spirit Medicine
Use your wisdom tree downloads, the techniques you learn, and the higher consciousness you attain and use them in your own life adventures. Tree Spirit Medicine is profound, practical and deeply healing!. Over the last 30 years as a practitioner of Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, I have been gifted with some pretty amazing Tree Spirit Medicine healing ways! Tree Spirit Medicine once was a rare subject. Now it's a common theme... which gives me much hope. NOW it's time to share this wisdom so that it is carried about to those who need it. Be sure to mark Sept. 7 and Oct. 5 on your calendar. Find out more at
MAKE YOUR ESCAPE TO THE COMFORT AND HEALING OF THE TREES!!!! Make friends with the Spirit in Nature and Tree Spirits. Herbal healing and the natural medicines of Native American Indians were direct gifts from Mother Earth, from the “the Little People,” from our Earth’s crystal consciouness matrix and from Ancient Tree Elders! It is our birthright!
We can access this same healing medicine NOW at the Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA.
About Azurae Windwalker
Azurae Windwalker is an award winning shamanic journey leader and nationally known 30 year teacher of shamanic healing arts. She has developed a unique co-creative relationship with the Ancient Tree Spirits, the three Little People Medicine Men of the Amethyst Center, the Amethyst Center resident Earth Angel, The White Light Ascended Masters, the Bear Medicine Spirit, the Forest Elementals, the Fairy Folk, the Healing Sasquatch Elders Council and other Nature Spirit Beings at the 31 acre Amethyst Center Nature Spirit Healing Sanctuary.
These magnificent beings have agreed to work with a limited number of students to help them ascend to much higher levels of health, well- being, oneness consciousness and self-mastery.
FOR YOUR ENLIGHTENMENT and Nature Spirit Study: At the Amethyst Center you’ll find a medicine wheel herb garden, an Angel Meditation Garden. a sacred Water Deva Spring, a stone people healing site, a Bear Spirit Medicine Grotto and several medicine wheels and portals.
The incoming energies of solar flares, computers, cell phones, Earth changes and the fear factory media conspire to short circuit our natural healing abilities and our health. We can push out and clear our heavy fearful trauma energies easily with the guidance and support we find in Nature Spirit Energy Medicine. The Amethyst Center is the perfect place to do this and to learn many useful techniques that were direct gifts from Nature Spirit to Azurae to be used right now to Shift up into body/mind/spirit health and soul ascension and to help Mother Earth. It’s truly a life changing experience! Azurae has hundreds of satisfied students who agree:
The benefits of participating in the Tree Spirit & Nature Spirit Energy Medicine Series
Aids an easier ascension process into the 5th World of Self Mastery, Harmony, Unity and Cooperation.
Clears and raises the vibration of you and your property to a healthy frequency. You receive teachings and direct healings from the fairy folk, the Little People, the devas, the tree, herb and stone people, the elements and White Light Masters.
Communicate and forge working relations with the elementals for further independent study and healings.
Increase your intuitive awareness.
Hone skills for shamanic journey problem solving, aura strengthening, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, clearing trauma, and balancing Divine Male/Female energies with Nature!
Learn how to build a sanctuary for Nature Spirits at home and practice Earth keeping skills