Fall Harvest Ceremony
Woodland Indian Style & Earth Keeper Homecoming

Fall Harvest Ceremony Woodland Indian Style and Earth Keeper Homecoming Sun. Sept. 30
2 pm – 6 pm at the Amethyst Center, Thaxton VA
Earthkeeper Ceremonies are so very important to our Mother Earth. None is more important than being thankful for the harvest of your garden of life. Our Native American style ceremonies led by Azurae Windwalker and Friends of the Amethyst Center are fun, educational and deeply healing for ALL! Together we work with the Spirit in Nature, Our Enlightened Ancestors, White Light Masters and Angels for the highest good for all our relations. That’s why people love them so much! This us our 21th one!!!!! You’ll have the opportunity to give thanks for all your blessings and commune with the potent Spirit of the Amethyst Center Nature Spirit Sanctuary. Gratitude ensures continued abundance.
What You experience at the Fall Harvest Ceremony:
At the Fall Harvest Ceremony we pray hard and play hard!!!!!!
Experience the Dance of the Harvest where we dance in the literal and figurative abundance of our 2023 crops
Dance the Harvest Corn Dance with a traditional Cherokee song.
Take part in a Spiritual Giveaway Ceremony. Bring important spiritually significant gifts that no longer serves you that you wish to give away and then you’ll receive a wonderful unexpected new gift from someone else. It is an honored ceremony to continue the Divine Flow of Abundance.
Dance, drum, sing traditional Cherokee, Saponi and Delaware songs and modern Native American spiritual
Hear traditional Native stories from Elder Diane Elliot and special music from the Red Feather Medicine Singers.
Drum, sing, dance, network and have fun with like minded folks from near and far!
WHAT TO BRING: Dress Warmly. Bring chairs. Bring Pot luck dishes, drums, rattles, flutes etc. Bring ceremonial objects for our group altar. Bring some of your harvest veggies, herbs, flowers or art to honor in dance. Graditude creates more GOOD THINGS!
Find out more about what we do, and our Earth keeping mission at the ceremony and on line. A love offering is taken & art sales are offered for the Amethyst Center’s ceremonial costs, Barn Roof Replacement and Earth keeping work.
CEREMONY LOCATION: In the ceremonial circle down the left path from the cottage. Potluck in the Barn. In the event of rain the ceremony will be in the Barn Healing Sanctuary.
The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd. Thaxton VA 24174
RSVP text 540-947-2423 or azuraewindwalker@gmail.com