About Azurae
Azurae Windwalker is a practicing shamanic artist, teacher and healer at the Amethyst Center Nature Sanctuary with over 40 years of experience. The Amethyst Center is an ultra-high vibe healing center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Our sacred 31 acre site is blessed by many Wise Old Trees, Medicinal Herbs, Angels, Healing Masters, Fairies, Little People and Nature Spirits. We all work together for personal and planetary healing!
Azurae offers personal and group shamanic healing services live in-person and remotely. Other services are Soul Petroglyph Portraits, Lifeforce Energy Orgone Amulets, and Totem Petroglyph Healing Prints.
Some of the workshops offered by Azurae include Practical Shamanism Enlightened Self Care, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, Drum Making and Herb Spirit Medicine workshops. To dive deeper, shamanic apprenticeships are also available.
At the Amethyst Center, we also provide ceremonies based on our Native American Indian heritage, such as Global Water Protector Drum Ceremonies and Fall Harvest Ceremonies .
The Amethyst Center offers a safe, peaceful place full of power spots and gardens for reflection, meditation, shamanic journeying, retrieving wisdom and forming close alliances with the Spirits in Nature.
Over the years we have gathered a wonderful community of Shamanic Practitioners and Practical Shamanism students. We call this group the Friends of the Amethyst Center. They network, support and learn from each other and work together for healing Mother Earth as Earthkeeper Alchemists.
The White Light Masters, the Spirit of Nature, the Chief Healing Angels and Christ Consciousness work with and through Azurae in private sessions and in workshops providing profound, deeply healing multidimensional energy for uplifting the frequency of body, mind and soul. Azurae's wisdom teachings and practical shamanic techniques have helped thousands to new thresholds of wellness and fullfilment.
Azurae received her shamanic training in a seven year apprenticeship in the XAT Native American Medicine Society in Nashville TN. Azurae worked her way up to be a ceremonial leader and council pipe keeper. Her teacher emphasized her student's recovering their own innate spiritual wisdom from their DNA, past life gifts, personal Angelic and White Light Master Teams and from the Spirit in Nature.
Azurae Windwalker continues this legacy for her clients and students. Most of what Azurae teaches and practices have been downloaded from these sources.
As a designer and maker of shamanic totem art and Soul Petroglyph Portraits Azurae carries an intent for healing, with her spiritual artistic intuitive gifts and sacred geometry to an international clientele. The LIFEforce Energy Orgone Amulets Azurae creates, aid energy sensitive clients worldwide by protecting them from harmful EMF radiation and toxic energies while increasing wellness, lifeforce energy, intuition and creativity! Check out www.etsy.com/shop/AzuraeHealingArt for these.
Some of Azurae Windwalker's accolades include Winning the Most Unique Practitioner Award from the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, co founder of Religious Science of Nashville, Director of the American Indian Village of Local Colors, International Festival of Roanoke and Curator of the award winning American Indian Exhibit Room of the Bedford County Virginia Museum. She is co-founder of the Red Feather Medicine Singers.
Before her debut as a shamanic artist and healer, Azurae was a top advertising executive with Advantage Magazine and Multimedia Corporation in Nashville TN for 20 yrs. During this time she studied with top personal development
experts and was President of the National Association for Professional Saleswomen. She was also an alumni of a Maryland think tank, the Aspen Institute. Azurae graduated cum laude from East Tennessee State University in Broadcasting and Journalism and was in Who's Who of American Colleges and Universities.
Azurae welcomes the opportunity to serve you!