During the 7 years I apprenticed with Wanda Joy in the XAT Native American Medicine Society I also assisted Herb Doctor, Walt Medicine Bear in ceremony and in some private healings.
Walt's Cherokee Heritage Herb Co. made tonics which he sold worldwide. Although I took many classes and herb walks with him, I learned the most hanging out and listening in to his consultations with clients.
Walt Medicine Bear and I once shared a client who had cut his foot off in a carwreck and had it sewn back on!!! Doctors didn't really give the guy much chance of recovering his ability to walk. The Spirit Docs and I did shamanic healing several times for the guy clearing and reconnecting the traumatized energy of the foot and his leg and reconnecting the neural pathway. Then in a dream a Spirit Medicine Woman, who I believe was a Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, told the client to take his shoes off and walk barefooted every day! That orgone Earth energy really did him good!! Thankfully he showed a lot of progress. And he was strong in his prayers for healing. By that time I was really hooked on how Plant Spirit Medicine works.
Walt very effectively cleared the massive infection on the sewn back foot with oral goldenseal medicine and poultices of goldenseal. He healed the wound with comfrey salve! Amazingly the man healed and walked again! I learned that healing must happen in each quadrant of the medicine wheel.... Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Mental... to be effective. And this was certainly how this case was cured.
After that I took many classes with top herbal teachers and hung out with herb medicine people whenever I could to learn their methods. I focused on self study and experimentation on myself. Which I still do. But mostly, I talk to plants I became friends with Walt Medicine Bears apprentice who was a nurse and we began teaching herb doctoring classes in Nashville after his transition. My specialty has always been the shamanic side of plant and herb spirit medicine with others doing the medical portion. I adore communicating with herbs and accessing their healing through spiritual contact.
In my 40 years of teaching Practical Shamanism and Nature Spirit Energy Medicine. I have taught Herb Doctoring at the Carilion Jefferson College of Health and at many Body Mind Spirit Expos. I have taught Plant Spirit Medicine at the Friends of Great Serpent Mound Summer Solstice Festival in OH, at the Friends of the Living Desert Museum in NM along side of Apache Medicine People and at the Amethyst Center. I've also taught at Unity Churches and at various healing centers in the South, Midwest and East. I believe that we must remain sovereign in our health. Self care with herbs may be our best bet to survive and thrive!