Azurae Windwalker is a Visionary Shamanic Artist and Healer from Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains.

At the Amethyst Center, we offer a variety of workshops and events designed to expand awareness, grow your consciousness, connect you to the Spirit in Nature, fine-tune your intuition and significantly raise your vibration towards ascension. View Here >

Azurae Windwalker
Azurae Windwalker is a Visionary Shamanic Artist and Healer from Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains.

Energy Orgone Amulets
LIFEforce Energy Orgone Amulets for protection and powering up. Also, you'll find Stone and Bone Sculpted Shaman Power Amulets, dream & vision pillows and smudge items.

Personal Soul Portraits
Find your totems, soul path, angels, enlightened ancestral helpers, soul symbols and soul colors. Your Soul Portrait helps you retrieve lost soul parts for greater wholeness.

Petroglyph Totem Prints
Totem Petroglyph Prints aid a better energetic connection with the healing and helping of your animal totem by matching you to their frequency.

Etsy Store
Shop Prints, Stone and Bone Sculpted Shaman Power Amulets, dream & vision pillows and smudge items.

With over 40 years of experience and teachings, Azurae has helped hundreds of individuals with their journey and healing. These are some personal experiences and testimonials.

The Amethyst Center